Your body is capable of self renewal or repair, using your own cells. An example is when you get a cut or break a bone. Your body sends signals that damage has occurred. Stem cells in your blood stream or in the adjacent tissue respond, go to the area, and start the repair process. As we age, the number of stem cells in our body declines. By the age of 40 (the author's age) we loose 50% of our stem cells.
Now for the good news. Fat or adipose tissue is a rich source of stem cells.
There are over 7,000 stem cells in one cubic centimeter of fat tissues.
For anti-aging, the doctor will remove about 150 cc of fat tissue or the equivalent of a 5 ounce glass of wine. There will be over 1 million dormant stem cells in the 150 cc of fat. A dissolver is added to the 150 cc of fat to separate the fat from the stem cells, it take about 20 minutes. The solution is then put in a centrifuge and spun for several minutes. The fat floats to the top, the stem cells accumulate on the bottom. After the spin, the stem cells are removed and natural proteins are added. These natural proteins activate the stem cells. It takes about one hour for the activation. The activated stem cells are rinsed. The stem cells are then injected into an intravenous (IV) bag of saline. The mixture is given to the patient via IV drip over a one hour period.
The stem cells enter the blood stream and get to work repairing damaged tissues. Click here to see where stem cells go. They go to various parts of the body and assist in the regeneration of damaged tissue. It usually takes about 4 weeks for the patient to notice the first anti aging effects. Your cells are repairing your body. This is the stem cell therapy for Anti Aging. (see diagram below)
Video Descriptions: The patient received fat stem cells for anti-aging 4 months ago. The patients talks about improvements in his health and well being. The patient is currently experiencing anti-aging effects after he had the fat stem cell procedure performed.
Duration : 03:48
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