You will be pre-screened and reviewed by the treatment provider's medical staff to ensure you are a qualified candidate for the treatment. You should qualify for treatment if:
- the treatment provider’s review of your existing medical records (and possibly additional, simple tests, as required) confirms that you are a suitable candidate. Some factors that might disqualify you include HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis or other infectious diseases, dependence on a respirator, and cancer.
- your adipose tissue is in a healthy condition and you can undergo a mini liposuction procedure to remove at least 150cc of fat.
- your physician has classified you as an qualified patient.
Once you are pre-qualified, you will receive official correspondence from the treatment provider to that effect.
All costs associated with pre-qualification are included in the treatment package. If you do not qualify, there is no cost to you. No travel is required for you during this time, and pre-qualification typically can be completed as quickly as 1 week, as long as medical records are in order.
Once pre-qualified, and payments terms are met, the treatment provider will schedule you for treatment at a time that is convenient for you and meets your needs.
Treatment Process
Treatment consists of 3 steps:
- Registration and Final Approval
- Treatment
- After Care
Registration & Final Approval
The day before treatment, you will visit the treatment provider for registration, a standard health screen, and consultation with the doctor. This includes a medical check-up by the doctor, physical exam, and standard blood screen. This ensures that you can safely undergo the mini liposuction procedure. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions of the doctors and communicate any special issues or concerns you might have.
Registration and final approval can be completed in as little as 2 hours, typically the day before treatment. You can complete this step up to 1 week before treatment, depending on your special circumstances.
Treatment is completed in a single day, is performed on an outpatient basis, and typically lasts from 5 to 6 hours. Treatment consists of:
- A mini liposuction-like procedure to extract fat for stem cell harvesting. About 2 hours.
- A relaxing, recovery period while your stem cells are activated and prepared for return. About 1 hour.
- Stem cell return via intravenous drip. About 1-2 hours.
You arrive at the treatment provider’s facility, usually in the morning, and check-in for outpatient services. You will then be escorted to the treatment room and prepared for the fat extraction procedure. A local anesthetic will be administered and you will be awake throughout the painless procedure. At most, you might experience some minimal discomfort, but most patients hardly notice. This phase generally takes about 2 hours. The stem cell-rich fat will then be given to the medical scientist on hand and the stem cells will be isolated and activated, within 1 hour. Meanwhile, you will move to a comfortable and private recovery room. When your stem cells are ready, they will be returned to you via an intravenous drip with normal saline, lasting between 1 and 2 hours.
You are free to relax and recover in your private room. Most patients go home by late afternoon or when they feel comfortable. If you or your doctor have any concerns, an overnight stay may be required for your comfort, although this is very rare.
Post Treatment
For Anti-aging stem cell therapy patients, maintaining a good, positive attitude and physical activity greatly assists in the body’s natural healing process. Maintaining a specific physical activity program is very important after the stem cell therapy.
In addition, by receiving stem cell treatment for Anti-aging, you join a social network of similar patients that are using the latest in medical technology to enhance the rejuvenation process. You will benefit from other patients attempt at a better quality of life. Feedback from the larger community, including changes in diet, medication, physical fitness or other medical advancement will be shared with you on a regular basis. Such information will be sent via newsletter and updates directly from the treatment provider. You will be able to directly benefit from the experience of others that have undergone Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Anti-aging and Rejuvenation.
